Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Gun Control Is A Fundamental Right - 1327 Words

Firearms is a fundamental right in the Bill of Right which includes in constitution. America has a long conflict history on firearms. Firearms plays a vital role in shaping American history and its culture. The majority of people in the United States owns a gun in their household whether it’s them or someone else in their household. Gun control has been a big issue in the United State and all around the world. There are many cases that federal court have favored guns and they are also protected under our first Ten Amendment in the Constitution. Over the past years there has been many cases linked towards gun controlling and still haven’t progressed. Guns violence has caused lots of threat to the nations ,but people don’t want to change the law. The best way to resolve the gun problem is simply by changing the gun laws so, it will be difficult for people to own firearms. It is also quite easy for criminals to own a gun illegally now. History of gun control Gun control was passed in 1934 to levy new criminal laws and along with gun control â€Å"New Deal for Crime† was the first federal gun control law. This law requires all guns dealer to record their document in national registry. In 1938, Roosevelt wins the â€Å"national firearm act of 1938†. This act requires all the gun seller to record their sale and prohibit any firearm sale to people with violence crime background. People use guns for many purposes, but guns should only be used for military purpose. Even though theShow MoreRelatedGun Control Laws Limit Violent Crime1385 Words   |  6 Pagesprinciple of liberty for all. The Bill of Rights, which is a pillar of US democracy, clearly stipulates that all citizens have the right to bear arms. It is senseless to sacrifice this fundamental right for a false illusion of safety. We can reference previous periods of history in which the government placed restrictions on products and examine how ineffective they were. Furthermore, we can look at the absence of a correlation between strict gun control measures and reducing violent crime ratesRead MoreThe Issue Of Gun Control Laws1701 Words   |  7 PagesA gun has the capacity to convert a conflict into a serious crime. The power of a gun is vast. But it the power of the gun is appreciated in right hands. The effects of a gun can be cherished when it is used by right hands and with the right intention. The effects of the gun are condemned when it reaches in wrong hands. A gun can protect as well as end someone’s life. When it ends the life of a criminal, it is a sign of bravery but when it takes the lives of innocent people it is condemned. ThereforeRead MoreThe Issue of Guns and Gun Control in America1146 Words   |  5 PagesIn America guns have been a part of the country’s society since it’s birth. Throughout history the citizens of the US have used firearms to protect the nation, protect their families, to hunt for food and to engage in sporting activities. The issue of Guns and gun control takes on a proportion of extreme magnitude. Weighing the rights and liberties of the individual against the welfare and safety of the public has always been a precarious balancing act. In the United States, gun control is one ofRead MoreThe Arguments For Gun Policy998 Words   |  4 PagesGun Policy After the continuing domestic and international acts of gun violence, either as hate crimes, revenge, or terrorist acts, the ongoing battle of gun control in our country continues to be heated and emotional. Because of fear or to use for election campaigns, citizens and politicians are aggressively voicing their opinions either for or against this debate with both rational and irrational claims. Some of the rational arguments for gun control are popular with the public. 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Weighing the rights and liberties of the individual against the welfare and safety of the public has always been a precarious balancing act. In the United States, gun control is one of these tumultuous issuesRead MoreAn Informative Essay on Gun Control1289 Words   |  5 PagesInformative Essay on Gun Control Introduction The right to possess guns is a fundamental element to American identity. The right to own and operate guns under certain circumstances is in fact guaranteed as part of the United States Constitution. Over the course of American history and particularly in the 21st century, there exists a great debate over the possession of guns of private citizens. Both sides of the debate argue with fervor. 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However, recent acts such as mass shootings, intercity violence and accidental gun shootingsRead MoreAnalysis Of The Article The Us Constitution 1347 Words   |  6 Pagesthe gun from a retail gun store in charleston because of lapses in the FBI background check system, (Ellen Nakashima; Washington Post) and commit this act of racial violence. â€Å"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.† The US Constitution, written in 1787, asserts that it is essential for a Free State citizen to bear arms. However, recent acts such as mass shootings, intercity violence and accidental gun shootings

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