Wednesday, January 8, 2020

The Black Death And Its Effects On The Middle Ages

The Black Death â€Å"Ring around the rosy, a pocketful of posies, ashes †¦ ashes, we all fall down.† A familiar nursery rhyme that children have recited as a harmless play song for generations. Ironically, it refers to one of Europe s most devastating diseases. The first recorded case of the plague was in China in 224 B.C.E. But the most significant outbreak was in Europe in the mid-fourteenth century. Over a five-year period from 1347 to 1352. The Black Death had a great impact of change during the late Middle Ages. It changed the way people lived and it affected their lives socially, economically and politically. What caused the Black Death, the plague that may have killed as many as half of all Europeans in the 14th century? Bacteria was carried by fleas that lived on black rats. The rodents spread the plague from China to Europe. The scientific name for it is, Yersinia Pestis. Humans are normally singled out by fleas when there are no rodents left. When a flea bites a rodent, the blood from the rodent goes directly to the flea s stomach, easing hunger. The spread of the plague was very speedy. It was transmitted from person to person with no time to spare. The Plague was spread by rat fleas on ships. Infected rats would die, but their fleas would survive and find new rats wherever they landed. The first signs of the plague were lumps in the groin or armpits. After this, black spots appeared on the arms and thighs and other parts of the body. Very few peopleShow MoreRelatedThe Economic, Political, and Social Effects of the Black Death1268 Words   |  6 Pagesknown as the Black Death. This Black Death was an ecological disaster on a global scale. The effects of the plague on human and certain animal populations from East Asia to as far west as Greenland were catastrophic. All facets of society, from peasant to king were affected; no one was safe. All of society was affected; nothing would ever be the same. 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